4 Simple Steps You Can Take Now To Protect Your Business

If you are a business owner and are currently dealing with COVID related business challenges there is a lot to get your head around. With so many current issues to deal with, it’s easy to forget preventative actions. However, there are a few simple steps that can be taken now which can prevent you from becoming unnecessarily involved in financially and emotionally draining workplace disputes such as unfair dismissal claims, underpayments and workplace bullying.

Step 1 – Review your Employment Contracts

Employment Contracts age quickly in line with the ever-changing Industrial laws and should be reviewed regularly.

This is even more relevant where staff have received a promotion or if there has been a position change or a bonus restructure.

Clauses such as confidentiality, restraint and annualised salary should also be checked often to ensure they make sense and remain up to date.

Keep in mind that casual employment laws have changed in recent times and these contracts need to be adjusted accordingly.  Read more here

Maintaining up to date contracts can help avoid costly litigation and associated stress.

Step 2 – Review your Pay Rates and Salaries

Changes to awards and other industrial instruments occur frequently, including award and minimum wage increases, increases to superannuation and changes to the high-income threshold.

The Criminal Code has also changed in several states to enable wage theft to be prosecuted as stealing. With massive penalties, including up to 10 years’ imprisonment it is prudent to understand the reality of risk and potential liability.

Regular payroll reviews will go a long way to preventing a legal nightmare.

Step 3 – Train Your Management Team

There are several recent examples of organisations being on the losing side of unfair dismissal claims due to incorrect or clumsy processes, even though there was a perfectly valid reason for dismissal.

To minimise the risk of HR disaster, a fair and proper process must be followed in all cases of performance management and disciplinary processes. A focus on management training is the key to success here.

  • Ensure you have a legally sound and up-to-date performance management policy
  • Consider external training by a specialist employment firm as they will be able to demonstrate the seriousness of the subject and discuss case studies with your management team.

Step 4 – Get help

Wearing all the hats as a business manager is exhausting and sometimes HR compliance gets overlooked.

The good news is that you don’t have to be an expert in Industrial Relations to implement the above steps.

Our team is here to help.  We can assist you with: 

  • Reviewing and updating your existing employment contracts and policies
  • Payroll review
  • Management training

 Contact us here today or call 0419 659 388 for a free consultation.