Termination of Casual Employees: A Guide for Employers

Termination of casual employees requires careful consideration to ensure compliance with workplace laws and protect your business from potential legal challenges. This guide outlines the appropriate process for terminating casual employees, including understanding the...

How to Manage an Unfair Dismissal Claim – An Employer’s Guide

Receiving an unfair dismissal claim can be a challenging situation for any employer. Such claims arise when a former employee believes their termination was unjust or did not follow proper procedures. How you respond can affect not only the immediate outcome but also...

Employer’s guide to wage increase 1st July 2024

Minimum wage increase 1st July 2024 The Fair Work Commission has increased the minimum and award wages by 3.75 per cent. The decision will see the Australian National Minimum wage to be $915.90 per week, based on a full-time, 38-hour week, or $24.10 per hour. These...

Wages During Lockdown

Wages During Lockdown Many businesses have been and continue to be affected by lockdowns. As a business owner, you need to be aware of the requirements that some employees are entitled to normal wages, regardless of attending work. For businesses that are NOT listed...

Why Probation Periods Are A Legal Trap

Probation periods can be found in most employment contracts – but they’re frequently misunderstood and often put employers at risk. Generally, probation periods in an employment contract are stated as a term of three or six months. Many employers believe that, during...

WHS Compliance for Organisations

The Work Health & Safety Act and its Regulations are complex, but the basic principle of legal compliance is fairly simple. Before we get into the technical side, I would like to share with you the one single, most effective action that you and your managers can...

How To Dismiss An Employee Fairly

The old saying that that one bad apple can ruin the barrel is incredibly true.  Dismissing an employee may seem daunting, but the effect of one disruptive person on an organisation can be immense if left untreated. It’s a known fact that some businesses are reluctant...

Employment Contracts and Agreements in Australia

As surprising as it may sound, in Australia there is no lawful obligation to have a written employment contract in place. In fact, it is quite common for businesses to employ workers on the basis of a ‘nod and a handshake’.A verbal agreement is all good and well - But...

Employee Onboarding and Inductions

The employee onboarding process doesn’t have to be a clumsy classroom orientation and rims of paperwork. With advanced online software and new technologies, businesses can now automate compliance training and record-keeping, which has been a headache for decades....

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