Why Probation Periods Are A Legal Trap

Probation periods can be found in most employment contracts – but they’re frequently misunderstood and often put employers at risk. Generally, probation periods in an employment contract are stated as a term of three or six months. Many employers believe that, during...

How To Dismiss An Employee Fairly

The old saying that that one bad apple can ruin the barrel is incredibly true.  Dismissing an employee may seem daunting, but the effect of one disruptive person on an organisation can be immense if left untreated. It’s a known fact that some businesses are reluctant...

Employment Contracts and Agreements in Australia

As surprising as it may sound, in Australia there is no lawful obligation to have a written employment contract in place. In fact, it is quite common for businesses to employ workers on the basis of a ‘nod and a handshake’. A verbal agreement is all good and well...